Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chapter 61: The Dreams Will Come To You

We have almost finished all the writing prompts. You have been learning how to express yourself on paper in prepareation for the FCAT. But did you catch the head fake? You have been learning how to lead your life.

Write a list of your dreams for yourself. What legacy do you want to leave? 
   The dreams I have for myself would be just to be myself. I just want to have a family and to live a full happy life. The legacy i want to leave is hopfully an anime t.v show i have created or my book.

Write about which of the chapters in the book is most memorable to you, and why.
    The most memorable chapter in this book would have to b "jai and I" that was emotinal and so sweet.

Chapter 60: Jai and Me

As caregiver to a husband with a terminal illness and three small children, Jai had to be a selfless, giving person. She was the most important person in Randy's life.

Who is the one person in this world to whom you are very close? Write about this person, what he/she means to you, your feelings, the good times, the things you will always remember.
    The person i care the most about is my amazing boyfriend Donovan. He makes me feel good about myself. He had taken me to disney once. It was the best date ever. His parents don't know we're together but i still love and care about him more then anything. I honsetly can say that i love him. He's silly and fun to be around, He's cute and cuddly. If i had to choose one word for him it would be perfect <3. He's not 100% perfect but to me he is. He's everything to me, i love and need him. He brightens up my day and makes me feel needed and loved. I'd do anything for him just to see his amazing smile. Every day i spend with him is the best. No matter if the day didn't turn out so good he's still there for me. He loves me with all his heart and i return the favor. I know our love with grow and i'm hoping it will bloom into something more beautiful then it is now. i love him with all my heart. <3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chapter 59: Dreams for My Children

"As I see it, a parent's job is to encourage kids to develop a joy for life and a great urge to follow their own
 dreams." For his own children Randy said, "I want you to become whatyou want to want you to become." 

What do you want to do with your life? Not just a job or occupation. What do you want to do with your life?
 What would you like to accomplish? What mark would you like to leave for future generations? 

    What i want to do in my life. I would like make my own show. I draw anime and have a wild imagination.
Story lines are easy for me to make up. I'm already wrighting a book called "Jean sky."
I want to have a family. A loving husband and 2 children. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 58: The Input of Others

Randy and Jai received notes and emails from thousands of people: old friends, past acquaintances, and total strangers who offered suggestions, advice and support. They have never felt like they were in it all alone, and this type of caring make a huge difference in their ability to cope with Randy's illness.

Think of someone you know who is struggling right now. Write a note of encouragement, adding personal touches that reflect your relationship.  
     Sammy, i know were both going through a lot with Dylen being in the hospital right now. I wish i could be there for you. He's like an older brother to me. He raised me. I hope he makes it through this. I don't know what i'd do without him.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chapter 57: A Way to Understand Optimism

Optimism helped Randy to get through brutal chemo treatments, and it kept him living like he was still living, instead of being depressed and living like he was dying.

Explain how optimism can help you get through tough times.  
       It keeps your hopes up and makes you think that in the end everything will be ok.

Chapter 56: Make a Decision: Tigger or Eyeore

Living - that's what Randy enjoyed. He didn't know how not to have fun. He made the decision to pack fun into whatever time he had left on this earth.
a. Are you a Tigger or an Eyeore? Tigger!
b. Tell all about the most fun time you ever had. One of the best times i had was when My amazing boyfriend had taken me to disney world. 

Chapter 55: All you Have To Do Is Ask

Dylan, Randy and his father got to sit in a Disney monorail's nose cone with the driver simply because Randy asked. "More often than you'd suspect, the answer you'll get is, "Sure."

Ask for anything from anyone. Write your request, identifying whom you are asking, and for what you are asking. 
     If i could ask anyone for anything i would ask donovan if i could have a hug. <3

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chapter 51: No Job Is Beneath You

"It's been well documented that there is a growing sense of entitlement among young people today." Many graduates are "Unhappy with the idea of starting at the bottom" of the job ladder. But Randy's view is that "If you can't (Or won't) sort mail, where is the proof that you can do anything?

Everyone has experienced a time when they thought they were "Too big for their britches" or felt a task was beneath them. Explain how you can keep this from happening to you.

        Just except that you have to start somewhere and just be the best at it.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 50: The $100,000 Salt and Pepper Shaker

     Disney's decision to replace a broken $10 souvenir for a 12 year old boy would end up earning them ten thousand times that in revenue as tha Pausch family made many repeat visits to the theme park. Randy says institutions today need to have a heart.
How would you define randy's phrase "have a heart" and in what way could you make someones day better by "having a heart"?
   Having a heart kinda means understanding whats going on or maybe meaning that by doing the right thing.
   How I can make someones day better by having a heart is by giving my friends or someone at lunch food when they have non. I do that everyday.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 49: Get in Touch with Your Crayon Box

Close your eyes. Rub a crayon in your fingers. Feel the texture, the paper, the wax. Smell the crayon. Does it take you back to your childhood?

Like Randy's crayon in his pocket, what can "take you back" and remind you of a pleasant childhood memory? What is that memory? 
  My pleasent childhood memory was when this older friend named dylen would call me his baby girl. He rasied me and when my boyfriend calls me his baby girl it reminds me of dylen.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

chapter 48: Tell the Truth

If Randy could only give three words of advice, they would be "Tell the Truth." If he got three more words they would be "all the time"

Describe when telling the truth paid off for you. or describe a time when it would have payed off if you would have told the truth.
    When i had told the truth to donovan about me being bisexual he wasn't to happy about it. he still don't like it very much so we dont talk about it. I do feel better telling him instead of my friends telling him.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chapter 46: All You Have Is What You Bring With You

Randy tells his students, "When you go into the wilderness, the only thing you can count on is what you take with you." The wilderness is any place besides your home, workplace or school. So be prepared.

A. What situation have you faced for which you were not prepared? What were the consequences?
B. Now imagine not being prepared for your classes at school. What might be the consequences, both short-term and long-term?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter 44. Show Gratitude

Some people can be thanked in tangible ways; Randy took his entire research team to Disney World after they helped him get tenure. Other people are harder to thank; Andy van Dam, Randy's mentor, changed his life. Since there was no way Randy could pay him back, he's trying to "pay it forward" by mentoring his own students.

What has someone done for you that you could "pay it forward?"
 A friend named dylen. He was there for me through a lot and I hope one day i could "pay it forward.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 43: The Friday Night Solution

Randy was granted tenure a year earlier than people usually do. A lot of people want a shortcut to the good things in life. Randy's "shortcut" in two words: hard work.

I could be working harder at school.Here is a 3 step plan for doing it.
  1. Go to sleep early.
  2. study.
  3. pay attencen in class.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 42: Loyalty is a Two-Way Street

Dennis Cosgrove was a straight A student - except he was failing Math. He was going to be kicked out of University of Virginia, but Randy put his career on the line and went to bat for him. Now, years later, with Randy near death, Dennis would be taking over the Alice project.

Someone I believe in and can go to bat for is Donovan because he means alot to me and i believe he could go far in life.
The way I can do this is I can be there when ever he needs help.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chapter 41: The lost Art of Thank-you Notes

As Randy looked through applications to his entertainment Technology Center, a handwritten thank you note made the difference for one applicant - it tipped the scales in her favor and she was a accepted into the program.

Use the stationary to write a thank you note to someone you know. Be ure to give it ti him/her ot to mail it.
Dear donovan,
             Thank you for always being there for me through everything. You're amazing in everyway. You make me smile everyday. you're hugs make me feel great. I love you more and more everyday. I'd do anything to see your smile to hear your laugh. the reason i'm wrighting this for you is because, of how amazing you make me feel. Donovan your my world. Thank you for making me feel so great about myself. Thank you for calling me beautiful and holding me in your arms. your the best boyfriend i could ever ask for. Thank you for loving me. <3

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chapter 40: Get People's Attention

On the first day of his User Interface class at University of Virginia Randy would smash a VCR with a sledgehammer. Not only did it get people's attention, it made the point for these engineers and designers that "when we make something hard to use, people want to destroy it."

Think about the things in your life that are frustrating, but don't have to be. Name one, and tell how you would make it better.
  My relationship with my boyfirend can sometimes be fustrating but we make it through it. We calm down and talk thinks out.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 39: Be The First Penguin

Randy gave a "First Penguin Award" to the student team that took the biggest risk, but failed anyway. (Someone has to be the first penguin in what might be predator-infested waters.) Randy said, "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you wanted" and he applied it to being willing to reach beyond the ordinary.

When have you taken a risk, knowing that you might fail, but you tried anyway?
     Well once one of my friends jumped a bench. I thought it looked easy so i tryed. I almost made it but my foot got cought on the top of it and i fell. Thankfully it was a padded park area because i fell face first.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 38: If at first you don't succeed.....

Randy loved using cliches with his students. To remind them not to focus on little things, he told them, "Other than that, Mrs.Lincoln, how was the play?"

What is one of your favorite cliches? What does it mean?
 If you love someone, say it. Don't let the moment just passes you by. It mean's if you have feelings for someone tell them don't hide it you never know if they feel the same.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Chapter 37: Watch What They Do, Not What They Say

Randy's advice for his daughter, Chloe: "When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you, it's really simple. Just ignore everything they say and only pay attention to what they do."

Tell about someone whose actions and words give the same consistent message. Give specific examples.
    Well im in a relationship with donovan. He tell's me how much he loves me but he also shows me. He hugs me at random times and kisses me on the forhead or cheek instead of always on the lips. he is an amazing guy and he proves to me everyday how much he cares.

Chapter 36: Look For the Best in Everybody

A person with whom I have a difficult time getting along is Baily nelson.
Three good things about him/her are:

1.she thinks she's better than everyone else.



Tuesday, February 5, 2013

chapter : 35 Start by Sitting Together

Tips for group work: 1. meet people properly (introductions) 2. find things you have in common 3. try for optimal meeting conditions ("do lunch") 4. let everyone talk (don't finish other's sentences) 5. check egos at the door 6. praise each other and 7. phrase alternatives as questions (what if we did A instead of B?)

a reason i like group projects is sometimes they have better ideas then you or vis versa.

a reason i don't like group projects is sometime the person your working with can me a pain and want to change everything you have done.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Chapter 34: Don't Obsess What People Think

Randy was always straitfoward about what he was thinking. His friends, students and colleagues never had to worry what Randy thought of them, so they were more effective in getting things done.

What is it in your life that you worry about what other people think? In what way could you be a more effective person if you didn't let it concern you?
    im self comfedent about how i look and i know what people think of me but my boyfriend tells me how beautiful i am so i just dontthink about how big i am because ya i am pretty just because im bigger dont mean anything.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Chapter 33: Treat The Disease, Not The Symptom

One of Randy's girlfriends was $1,000 in debt,and was going to yoga class to help eliminate the stress of it. Randy suggested she get a job on yoga night and apply the money she earned to getting out of debt. The plan worked, of course.

I am stressed out over trying to be a good girlfriend but i could treat the disease(solve the problem) if i relaxed a little bit and just enjoy my life with him.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chapter 32: Dont comlain,Just work harder

"I've always believed that if you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you'd be suprised by how well things can work out," stated Dr. Paush in the book.

I decide right now to quit now whining and complaining about my life. instead I will try to solve the problem by enjoying what I have. like my boyfriend.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chapter 31: Lets make a deal

Randy loved to tip back in the dining room chair. His mom canstantly scolded him for it. So they made an agreement: if randy broke a chair, he would replace the entire dinig room set. But until that happened, his mom would stop nagging him.

Write about a situation in which you feel a contract with a person in authority can allow you to take responsibility for your actions, and give them the freedom to stop the nagging or reprimanding you.
      My mom and I made a contract in a way. If my grades good stay up i can keep my phone and go to friends house's.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Chapter 30:Raising The White Flag

Randy's mom always called him Randolph. It bugged him, but they reached a compromise: she addressed his letters to R. Pausch

Families and friends do things that irritate from time to time. What things irritate you that are so minor you should raise the white flag, surrender, and move on? How will you help yourself do this?
    When me and my boyfriend argue about something stupid i just give in and let him win.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Chapter 29:Earnest Is Better Than Hip

Earnest - serious in intention, purpose, or effort; showing depth and sincerity of feeling. Hip - familiar with or informed about the latest ideas, styles; "cool"

Randy says earnest is better than hip. What character quality would you fill in the following blank?

Being sweet and caring  is better than being "cool" because being sweet and caring makes you a better person and means you can be who you want to be.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chapter 28: Dream Big

Randy missed watching Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon because the directors of the summer camp he was attending felt it was the past the campers' bedtime. "Give yourself permission to dream." And fuel the dreams of others. "Once in a while, that might even mean letting them stay up past their bedtimes."

Write about a time your family "broke the rules" in order for you to experience something important.
     Once my mom let me go to my friends house when i was grounded because they were going to a new movie that we all wanted to see and my dad was gone for the weekend so she said i can go.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ch.27: The Promised Land

Randy wanted to enable the dreams of others on a grand scale. He developed Alice, a free download fom Carnegie Mellon that teaches computer programing to middle and high school students. Alice used a head-fake to teach the Java programing language by making it fun. Randy would never live to see Alice finished, but he was overjoyed that he was leaving behind a legacy that would enable the dreams of millions of kids.

Choose one subject you're studying this year. How could the teacher make more fun?
     I have spanish and it would be better if she was nicer when she tought.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ch. 26: They Just Blew Me Away

Randy's students produced incredible work on their first project in the "Building Virtual Worlds" course. Teamwork was central to the success of the projects. Randy told them, "In this course, you can't do it alone."

Describe a time with your friends, family, or classmates when teamwork was very important.
    At school we play soccer and with out my team mates r team would lose. We play just about everyday.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

ch. 25 Training a jedi

One of my dreams for myself is to famouse singer.
A person helping me achievement is my grammy. She is going to help me travel to places.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Chapter:24 A Recovering Jerk

Randy provided ways for his students to receive feedback on how they were doing,not only from him, but also from their classmates. Once, when he was a student, he listened to feedback from his mentor,Andy van Dam, and it made all the difference.

What is one of yours flaws that you are working to change, or that you SHOULD be working to change
    Well i guess the thing i have to change is being inoring. My boyfriend say's that i'm way to hyper just like today when i tryed to help him get dirt outta his eye he said i was being inoring.I really dont know how. It's not really my fault but i need to change that.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chapter:23 I'm On My Honeymoon, But If You Need Me...

Randy's solution to his boss's request that he be reachable, even on his honeymoon, was to leave his wife's parents phone number. He didn't get a single call during his month long vacation. "Time is all you have. And you may find one day that you have less than you think."

Think of 2 ways you could make better use of your time.
   2 way's i can make better use of my time is to stop playing so much video games and also by takeinf shorter showers.